God is a Parent and Humanity is It’s Children

Written by Papa

    Photo credits to Pink Sherbet PhotographyGod is a parent. And it is far from perfect.

Its children’s lives come from it.

Humanity is God’s children.

During humanity’s early existence God was perceived to be some wrathful but adored being. Humanity, the children of God, loved God. But they were also afraid of it. God could be rewarding, loving, and full of love. But God could also be punishing and cruel. However, the reason for this is because humanity was still at its infancy.

credits to juhansonin And later, a toddler. Humanity was at the mercy of God and at the same time could not understand God. God was trying its best to keep humanity alive. God could only force humanity to not endanger itself by providing the simplest form of learning. Reward and punishment. God loves humanity and humanity both feared and loved God. Continue reading


Epiphany Spot


There’s an episode in Scrubs where Janitor installed a toilet on the rooftop of Sacred Heart Hospital. He said that it’s where they’ll have epiphanies. Yesterday, I realized I had such a spot. No, it wasn’t in my toilet while I respond to the call of nature. Rather, it was in an uncanny spot somewhere in our village. It’s actually just the waiting area outside a small private school, a few blocks from where we live.

I don’t intentionally go there when I want to think, but it’s the rest spot after I take an afternoon stroll with my son and husband. Yesterday, we rested there as usual and talked about life and what holds in our future. And then it hit me. This place was my epiphany spot. And it made me smile.

Why was it such a good spot for epiphanies? Continue reading